Inside Arlington

Experimental News Digest for Arlington, MA

Town Meeting, May 08, 2023

  • Meeting Overview and Decorum
    Town Meeting began with the moderator emphasizing the importance of maintaining decorum and respect. The meeting is not a public forum but a legislative meeting with a strict agenda. The moderator warned against any form of intimidation or questioning of others’ intentions or motivations.
  • Meeting Adjournment Proposal
    The chair of the Select Board proposed that if all the business of the meeting was not disposed of at the session, the meeting would adjourn to Wednesday, May 10th, 2023, at 8 p.m. The proposal was unanimously agreed upon. A test vote was also conducted to gauge support for free speech for people with differing opinions.
  • Announcements and Resolutions
    Various announcements and resolutions were made, including a flag sponsorship initiative by Arlington Rotary, a grant proposal solicitation by the Sims Memorial Fund, and the celebration of Prince Hall Day at the Arlington Masonic Temple.
  • Reports of Committees
    The Arlington Permanent Town Building Committee presented an update on two major projects: the renovation of the central school and the construction of the town yard and municipal services. The central school renovation was nearing completion, while the town yard project was ongoing despite challenges related to hazardous materials on the site.
  • Minuteman Regional School District Budget
    The Finance Committee Chair recommended an appropriation of $8,932,916 for the Minuteman Regional School District. The new superintendent, Dr. Kathleen Dawson, presented a high-level overview of the fiscal year 2024 budget recommendation for approval. The budget is grounded in improving teaching and learning for all students. The FY24 operating and capital budget request is up 4.5% compared to the FY23 budget.
  • Artificial Turf Fields Debate
    Town Meeting discussed the potential installation of artificial turf in local playing fields. Several members expressed concerns about the potential health and environmental risks associated with artificial turf. A motion was made to establish an artificial turf study committee, which would be required to report its findings before the spring 2024 town meeting. The committee also discussed the potential for a one-year moratorium on artificial turf.
  • Select Board’s Recommendation
    Town Meeting discussed the Select Board’s recommendation of no action, which was supported by the speaker, who emphasized the importance of collaboration between existing government organizations and other stakeholders to find solutions.
  • Park and Recreation Commission’s Stand
    The chair of the Park and Recreation Commission expressed disappointment over Belmont Hill School’s withdrawal from the Poets Corner project. He reiterated the commission’s opposition to any moratorium, prohibition, or ban on synthetic turf, citing independent scientific studies and expert input that deem it safe. He argued that synthetic turf is the solution to the town’s field space and quality needs.
  • Meeting Conclusion
    Town Meeting concluded with several members submitting amendments to the proposed motions, including amendments to give all members of the proposed study committee voting privileges, to limit the proposed moratorium to one year, and to require the committee to report on potential mitigation measures for the risks associated with artificial turf. The committee agreed to consider these amendments at a future meeting.



Inside Arlington was created by two Arlingtonians who are deeply concerned by the decline in local news and its impact on civic life. Our mission is to provide accessible information to Arlington residents to foster an informed and engaged citizenry. And we want to do it in an economically sustainable way. More…


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