Inside Arlington

Experimental News Digest for Arlington, MA

Town Meeting, May 10, 2023

  • Committee Meeting in Arlington, Massachusetts

The annual town meeting of Arlington, Massachusetts, discussed various matters including zoning bylaw amendments, appropriations for subsidized compost collection, and the importance of town meetings. The meeting also included discussions on the use of artificial turf fields in the town.

  • Discussion on Turf Amendments

The committee discussed and voted on several amendments on the artificial turf committee. One, which proposed to reduce the duration of the study committee and the moratorium from two years to one year, was passed. Another, which proposed to grant voting rights to all committee members, was also passed. Another, which proposed to change the number of committee members from eight to seven and to appoint the chair of the committee by the town moderator, was passed as well. A motion proposing the addition of conflict of interest rules for the committee passed with 117 votes in favor, 110 against, and one abstention.

  • Discussion on Zoning Restrictions and Affordable Housing

The meeting touched on the impact of zoning restrictions on local businesses, with several members advocating for more flexibility to support business growth. The committee voted on several articles, including Article 30, which aimed to remove the usable open space requirement for one and two family uses from the zoning bylaw. However, the motion failed. The committee also discussed Article 32, which proposed a zoning bylaw amendment related to building affordable housing. However, the petitioner requested to withdraw the proposal, and the committee recommended no action on this article.

  • Finance Committee Meeting

The finance committee recommended a positive vote on Article 33, which pertains to the parking benefit district, and Article 34, which concerns the town’s revenue from cable services and its expenditure on cable access television services. The committee also recommended a positive vote on Article 35, which relates to the reclassification of positions within the town, and Article 36, which asked for the appropriation of $570,357 into a salary reserve fund for future collective bargaining agreements.

  • Discussion on Article 40

The government committee meeting in Arlington, Massachusetts was primarily focused on the discussion and voting on Article 40, which pertains to the rescinding of a prior borrowing authorization. The Finance Committee recommended a positive vote on this article, aiming to remove this prior borrowing authorization from their records. The motion was to rescind the authority to borrow $300,000 of unissued debt that had been previously authorized at the 2014 town meeting. The motion passed with 202 votes in favor and one against.



Inside Arlington was created by two Arlingtonians who are deeply concerned by the decline in local news and its impact on civic life. Our mission is to provide accessible information to Arlington residents to foster an informed and engaged citizenry. And we want to do it in an economically sustainable way. More…


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