Inside Arlington

Experimental News Digest for Arlington, MA


  • Redevelopment Board, June 10, 2024

    The board discussed the postponement of the presentation for changes to the Atwood House, highlighting that the full environmental design review and special permit submission will now be expected on July 1, 2024. Additionally, they revisited the proposed hotel project at 1207 to 1211 Massachusetts Avenue. Continue reading

  • Select Board, September 27, 2023

    The Arlington Select Board’s hybrid meeting addressed several town business items, including a safety plan for the Mass Ave-Appleton intersection and a bylaw amendment for fossil-fuel free construction. Continue reading

  • Select Board, September 11, 2023

    The Arlington Select Board confirmed Julie Wayman as the Town’s next treasurer, discussed parking in Arlington Center and ongoing concerns about private ways maintenance. Continue reading

  • Redevelopment Board, September 11, 2023

    At its September 11 meeting, the Arlington Redevelopment Board reviewed the MBTA Communities draft map, the Working Group’s final report, and proposed amendments to the Zoning Bylaw that are necessary to comply with state guidelines. The committee discussed the transformative potential of the Working Group proposal, which would affect approximately 0.3% of Arlington. Continue reading

  • Zoning changes in 3D, setbacks and green space

    The Arlington Redevelopment Board discussed the development of a 3D model to visualize potential zoning changes, updated town maps, zoning and building regulations including setback requirements and height restrictions, the impact of tree canopies on the environment, and agreed to conduct an economic feasibility analysis regarding a 15% requirement for inclusionary housing in relation to the MBTA communities overlay. Continue reading

  • Redevelopment Board, July 10, 2023

    The Town of Arlington Redevelopment Board discussed a proposed sign package for 1309 to 1323 Massachusetts Avenue, the need for more green space and climate resilience in the town’s zoning plans, potential impacts of inclusionary zoning, and announced an executive session to discuss strategy related to collective bargaining or litigation. Continue reading

  • Clean Energy Future Committee, May 26, 2023

    The Clean Energy Future Committee (CEFC) of Arlington, Massachusetts, held a hybrid remote/in-person meeting on May 26, 2023. Fossil Fuel Demonstration Pilot Updates The committee discussed the final regulations for the Fossil Fuel Free Pilot program released by the Department of Energy Resources. Arlington is preparing to apply for this program by September 1, 2023. […] Continue reading

  • Select Board, June 26, 2023

    The Foot of the Rocks Battlefield Memorial project, designed to honor the historical significance of the battlefield and the people of Arlington, has received a $50,000 grant from the Community Preservation Act Committee and is set to be completed by April 19, 2025, featuring plaques, panels, and an obelisk. Continue reading

  • Redevelopment Board, June 05, 2023

    Postponement of Public Hearing for Docket Number 3752, 251 Summer Street: The hearing was postponed to 26th June to allow for a more detailed planning memo and additional time for the applicant to examine the site. The board clarified their role in ensuring the project’s design appropriateness for the neighborhood, while the select board is […] Continue reading

  • Zoning Board of Appeals, May 25, 2023

    Meeting for 1021-1027 Massachusetts Avenue Subsidizing Agency of Mass Housing and Housing Inventory: The committee reviewed the subsidizing agency of mass housing and the housing inventory, which stood at 6.54% as of April 27, 2022. Sidewalk Condition and Accessibility: The committee found the sidewalk along Massachusetts Avenue to be in fair condition but not in compliance […] Continue reading


Inside Arlington was created by two Arlingtonians who are deeply concerned by the decline in local news and its impact on civic life. Our mission is to provide accessible information to Arlington residents to foster an informed and engaged citizenry. And we want to do it in an economically sustainable way. More…


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