Inside Arlington

Experimental News Digest for Arlington, MA

Select Board, May 08, 2023

  • Meeting Overview
    The Arlington Select Board held a meeting on May 8, 2023, in a hybrid format due to COVID-19 measures. The meeting covered various topics, including an update on gas leaks, updated resolution language for article 64, the consent agenda, the appointment of a new member to the Conservation Commission, the removal of taxicab stands, and concerns about high school parking.
  • Resolution Language for Article 64
    The board discussed and approved updated resolution language for article 64, which they received from the sponsors in response to concerns raised at the Warrant Article hearing.
  • Consent Agenda
    The board approved the consent agenda, which included minutes of meetings, outdoor restaurant and retail permit applications, and requests for special one-day alcohol licenses. The board showed interest in the resolution of the Roasted Granola request, suggesting it could inform a broader parking policy.
  • Appointment to the Conservation Commission
    The board approved the appointment of Brian McBride to the Conservation Commission. McBride expressed his interest in the outdoors and waterways and his desire to get involved in town activities.
  • Removal of Taxicab Stands
    The board approved the removal of taxicab stands in the town due to a significant decline in the licensing of taxis. This decision will free up parking spaces in prime locations.
  • High School Parking Concerns
    The board received correspondence from a resident expressing concerns about high school parking.
  • Gas Leaks Issue
    The board discussed the ongoing issue of gas leaks in the town. The Gas Leaks Task Force reported that National Grid had repaired two leaks and reclassified seven others, with plans to repair or replace the remaining five by 2023 or 2024. However, the Task Force found that some leaks reported as repaired or reclassified were still leaking gas. The Task Force plans to continue monitoring the situation and working with National Grid to address the issue.
  • Hiring Practices Discussion
    The board had a heated discussion on the town’s hiring practices, particularly in relation to veterans and the police department. The board emphasized the need for diversity in the department and the move away from the restrictions of civil service. The board also addressed the ongoing conversation about changing the police department’s mentality from “warrior” to “guardian.”
  • Double-Pole and Overnight Parking Policy Issues
    The board discussed the ongoing problem with a double-pole on Adams Street and the need to rewrite the town’s overnight parking policy. The board expressed frustration with Verizon for not addressing the double-pole issue and agreed to add this issue to the agenda for future discussion and possible action. The board also agreed to add the overnight parking policy issue to the agenda for the next meeting, with the aim of discussing and potentially making a decision on the revised policy.



Inside Arlington was created by two Arlingtonians who are deeply concerned by the decline in local news and its impact on civic life. Our mission is to provide accessible information to Arlington residents to foster an informed and engaged citizenry. And we want to do it in an economically sustainable way. More…


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