Inside Arlington

Experimental News Digest for Arlington, MA

Zoning Board of Appeals, February 13, 2024

Approval of Decision: 49 Dickson Avenue

The Zoning Board of Appeals has approved the written decision for Docket 3776 concerning the property at 49 Dickson Avenue. An additional condition was included in the decision, which stipulates that the proposed deck on the Wheeler Lane side would be reduced to 10 feet in width to comply with the bylaw, ensuring no deviation from the approved plans without the board’s written approval.

Approval of Decision: 186 Overlook Road

The board approved the written decision for Docket 3783, an appeal concerning the property at 186 Overlook Road. The decision was written by a board member, reviewed by the board, and posed no further questions or comments.

Approval of Meeting Minutes

The board approved the meeting minutes from November 29 and December 12, 2023, and from January 9, 2024.

Upcoming Meetings

The board scheduled a meeting for February 27, with three new items on the agenda. Additionally, the meeting set for March 12 now has two continuance items and no new items.

Other Items

A board member indicated that a previously discussed property renovation issue involving a second driveway had been resolved. The building department had issued a condition prohibiting the second driveway as part of the permit.



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