Inside Arlington

Experimental News Digest for Arlington, MA

Zoning Board of Appeals, October 03, 2023

212 Pleasant Street

The Zoning Board of Appeals continued the hearing for 212 Pleasant Street to October 24, 2023 at 7:30pm. The applicant is working to obtain additional information and address concerns raised at a prior hearing.

148 Mount Vernon Street

The Zoning Board of Appeals approved the written decision for 148 Mount Vernon Street. There were no additional edits or comments.

56 Newcomb Street

The Zoning Board of Appeals approved the written decision for 56 Newcomb Street. The decision was written by member Patrick Hanlon and distributed to the Board over the weekend. The final version was posted to the Board in the afternoon. There were no further questions or comments.

106 Mount Vernon Street

The Zoning Board of Appeals held a hearing on the timeliness of an appeal of a building permit issued for 106 Mount Vernon Street. The building permit was issued on June 23, 2023 but the appeal was not filed until August 1, 2023, beyond the 30 day appeal period. The Board made a finding that the building permit was issued on June 23, 2023 and therefore the appeal filed on August 1, 2023 was not timely. The Board also found that adequate notice was provided to the appellant to file the appeal on time. With those findings, the Board did not proceed to discuss the merits of the appeal application.

32 Appleton Street

The Zoning Board of Appeals approved a special permit for the applicant, Jenna Francis, to operate a massage therapy business as a home occupation at 32 Appleton Street. The Board found it met the criteria for a medical/clinical office home occupation, and would not create parking or traffic issues. The Board applied the standard conditions for home occupations granted by special permit.

5 Mystic Lake Drive

The Zoning Board of Appeals approved a special permit for a second driveway at 5 Mystic Lake Drive. The applicant made revisions based on feedback from the prior hearing, including relocating the driveway farther from a large street tree, providing information that the driveway length is sufficient for two cars without overhanging the sidewalk, and adding landscape screening. The Board found the second driveway met the criteria to avoid undue concentration of population, allow adequate transportation provision, and conserve property values. Conditions were added to protect a utility box and for the applicant to not take a position on the floodplain bylaw section.

77 Tanager Street

The Zoning Board of Appeals approved a special permit for an enclosed entrance addition at 77 Tanager Street. The addition would extend into the front yard setback. The Board found the addition met the criteria to be compatible with the home and neighborhood character. A condition was added for the applicant to revise and correct application drawings.

15 Moccasin Path

The Zoning Board of Appeals approved a special permit for a large addition at 15 Moccasin Path, consisting of a garage and second floor master suite. The addition met the criteria to be in harmony with the neighborhood, conform with setbacks, and align with the bylaw purpose. The Board applied the standard conditions for special permits.



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