Inside Arlington

Experimental News Digest for Arlington, MA

Zoning Board of Appeals, September 12, 2023

The Zoning Board of Appeals met to deliberate on the Housing Corporation’s application for a comprehensive permit to construct a building with 43 affordable units at 10 Sunnyside Ave. The meeting was conducted remotely and recorded for public access. The board discussed project design, construction, public communication and operational requirements. The board also agreed to several changes and amendments to the draft that was circulated earlier.

  • Discussion on Traffic and Parking
    The committee discussed the potential traffic congestion on Michael Street due to the proposed development project. Members also deliberated on the number of parking spaces requested by the applicant, which was slightly less than the bylaw requirement. The committee agreed that the applicant’s plan to reduce the number of overall spaces to gain additional flexibility in managing the garage level space was feasible.
  • Electric Vehicle Charging Stations and Transportation Demand Management Program
    The committee discussed the provision of EV charging stations. The applicant’s plan included starting with two serving four vehicles, with future expansion for five additional parking spaces. The committee also discussed the need for a transportation demand management program designed to reduce the number of parking spaces from 39 to 21.
  • Sidewalk Repairs and Garage Entrance Safety
    The committee discussed the need for sidewalk repairs and improvements for pedestrian safety. The applicant agreed to support efforts to repair the sidewalk at the town’s expense or other third parties. The committee also discussed the safety of the entrance at the garage, agreeing that there should be some sort of visual or auditory warning to reduce the chance of accidents and injuries.
  • Loading Zone Establishment and Contact Information
    The committee discussed the establishment of a loading zone in front of the project and a no parking zone at the corner with Broadway to better accommodate vehicle queuing at the intersection. The committee also discussed the need for regularly updated contact information for efficient communication.
  • Fire Chief’s Role and Lighting Plan
    The committee discussed the role of the Fire Chief in determining safety measures and the approved lighting plan, which was developed in consultation with the community. The committee agreed to include the lighting plan in the police and fire department section, but suggested that the heading could be changed to include public safety to make it more user-friendly.
  • Wetlands and Floodplains Section Changes
    The committee discussed changes to the section on wetlands and floodplains. The main change was in relation to the application of plant nutrients, with the committee agreeing that this should comply with state law and that no other herbicides or treatments should be approved.
  • Exhibits of Proof Plans and Sustainability
    The committee discussed the numbering of exhibits of proof plans and the sustainability of a project, particularly the use of Passive House, an energy-efficient building standard, and the use of rooftop solar panels for onsite power generation. The committee agreed to specify that the project would use the international standard version of Passive House.
  • Approval of Comprehensive Permit Application
    The committee reviewed and approved the comprehensive permit application for the project proposed by the Housing Corporation of Arlington. The project aims to provide residences for both current and future residents of Arlington who do not have the opportunity to share the benefits of living in the community. The committee members unanimously voted in favor of approving the comprehensive permit application with conditions.
  • Next Steps
    The next steps involve making the discussed corrections and filing the decision with the town clerk.



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