Inside Arlington

Experimental News Digest for Arlington, MA

Park and Recreation Commission, August 08, 2023

The Arlington Park & Recreation Commission held a meeting on August 8, 2023. The meeting covered several topics, according to the newly published minutes:

  • Community Garden Working Group Report: The commission reviewed the report, focusing on the top two recommendations for the McClennen Park area and Spy Pond at Linwood. The commission requested preliminary pricing for a pilot program at McClennen Park.
  • FY2025 Capital and CPA Requests: The commission discussed the need for a master plan for fields and playgrounds to identify the community’s needs. It decided to postpone any major field renovations until it could implement a master plan. It also reviewed draft court assessment concepts prepared by Activitas. The commission outlined a course of action for FY2025, including a feasibility study, ADA implementation, playground inspection and repairs, a field master plan, Parallel Park, and Courts Facility.
  • RFP’s for Menotomy and Parallel Design: The commission reviewed the received RFP’s and decided to invite design firms KZLA, Copley, and Stantec to a future meeting for interviews. It also reviewed the RFP from Weston and Sampson for Hill’s Hill mountain bike design. The bid opening for Robbins Farm Park was postponed to August 21 due to last-minute changes.
  • Off-Leash Hours in Menotomy Woods: The commission discussed the request for off-leash hours in the Menotomy Woods during off-leash park hours. It expressed concern over the best approach to gathering accurate data and the method of securing it. It also discussed the current boundaries of the off-leash program and agreed that the policy should be reviewed as a whole.
  • Review of Reservoir Beach Success: The commission reviewed the success of the Reservoir Beach during the summer season. The review indicated a successful season, with high attendance at weekly special events. The commission also acknowledged the hard work and dedication of the Reservoir Beach staff.
  • Correspondence and New Business: The meeting concluded with a review of the correspondence received and a discussion on new business.

No policy changes were made during this meeting.



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