Inside Arlington

Experimental News Digest for Arlington, MA


  • Redevelopment Board, June 10, 2024

    The board discussed the postponement of the presentation for changes to the Atwood House, highlighting that the full environmental design review and special permit submission will now be expected on July 1, 2024. Additionally, they revisited the proposed hotel project at 1207 to 1211 Massachusetts Avenue.

  • Zoning Board of Appeals, May 28, 2024

    The board approved special permits for properties at 165 Franklin Street, 36 Peabody Road, 70 Robbins Road, and 57 Beacon Street, and postponed hearings for 84 Hillside Avenue and 49 Valentine Road to June 25, 2024, focusing on driveway and parking issues respectively. After extensive deliberation, a special permit for 3840 Milton Street was approved with conditions and clarifications to maintain neighborhood character and meet open space requirements.

  • Finance Committee, May 08, 2024

    Officials agreed on a wage deal with a market adjustment and new holiday observance method, affecting department budgets with an additional $76,000 needed for salary reserve funding, and corrected a $90,000 typo in Article 64 regarding the override stabilization fund.