Inside Arlington

Experimental News Digest for Arlington, MA

Select Board, May 20, 2024

Consent Agenda

Approval of Meeting Minutes and Various Requests

  • The Board reviewed items on the consent agenda, which included approval of meeting minutes from April 24, May 1, and May 6, 2024, and several requests ranging from festival and event approvals to licensing for beer and wine at various events and locations.
  • There was a discussion and amendment made to the request by the Arlington Historical Society for a conditional approval for a beer garden at the Jason Russell House. The approval was only for dates in June as there was uncertainty whether the Medford Brewing Company would participate in July and August.
  • The consent agenda was approved unanimously.

Montague Street Betterment Public Hearing

Request for Repair and Betterment Order

  • A public hearing was held regarding the repairs to the lower end of Montague Street.
  • Rose Rizzo spoke about the poor condition of the street and the desire for repair, mentioning that the neighborhood is looking to go with the same vendor as another section that is being repaired.
  • With more than two-thirds of abutters in agreement, the Board approved the request for repair and betterment order to proceed, having met the necessary threshold.

Common Victualler License Approval

Maria’s Pizza License Transfer

  • The Board discussed the transfer of the common victualler license for Maria’s Pizza, with the addition of Armenian food to the menu.
  • The applicant, Isak Zakarian of Art Royal LLC, presented the request via Zoom and confirmed that the menu would remain the same aside from the new cuisine.
  • The Board approved the license transfer, subject to all conditions set by municipal departments, including confirmation from the Health Department.

Redevelopment Board Joint Meeting Request

Discussion on Timing and Agenda Items

  • The Board deliberated on the request for a joint meeting with the Redevelopment Board to address parking issues, potential rezoning of Arlington Heights, and other items.
  • The proposed date range for this meeting could be anytime between June and September 2024, with members expressing preferences for either July or September to allow for robust participation and preparation.
  • A specific agenda including the Arlington master plan was requested, with the goal of aligning discussions on overarching issues before potentially making it a reoccurring dialog.
  • The Board will revisit this topic in the future to solidify a date and detailed agenda for the joint meeting.

Roadway Safety Request

Referral to TAC

  • A correspondence regarding a no-parking signage request on North Union Street was moved to be received and referred to the Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) for further evaluation.

Executive Session

Litigation Strategy Discussion

  • The Board voted unanimously to enter executive session to discuss strategy with respect to litigation against Itron Inc.
  • The session would conclude with adjournment and reconvening at the annual town meeting.



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