Inside Arlington

Experimental News Digest for Arlington, MA

Select Board, January 08, 2024

Proclamation of Recognition for Rob DeRosa’s Service

The Select Board commenced the meeting by recognizing Rob DeRosa’s 38 years of dedication and service to the town of Arlington with a proclamation. DeRosa, who worked at the Department of Public Works and served as the master mechanic for the fire and police departments, has been integral in the maintenance and upgrade of the municipal fire alarm system, radio systems, and the remodeling of fire stations. Town Manager Mr. Feeney and board members lauded DeRosa for his commitment and contributions. They acknowledged that his institutional knowledge would be difficult to replace, but wished him a happy and healthy retirement. The board unanimously approved the proclamation.

Hamantash Run Event

The Center for Jewish Life presented a request to hold the Hamantash Run, a 5K event planned for March 24, 2024. Addressing safety and logistical concerns, Rabbi Avi Bukiet offered details and accepted suggestions from the board and the police department about potentially adjusting the route. He explained the rationale behind the timing of the event linking with the Jewish holiday Purim. Mrs. Mahan and Mr. Decorsi expressed their support for the event and its reflection of a strong sense of community. The board unanimously approved the run’s organization on the proposed date and suggested coordination with the Arlington Police Department to finalize the details.

Eastern Avenue Traffic Safety Recommendations

The Transportation Advisory Committee provided recommendations for traffic safety improvements around Eastern Avenue, focusing on areas near Robbins Farm Park and Brackett School. The main suggestions included the replacement of flashing school speed limit signs with static signs and the addition of a solar-powered speed feedback sign on Eastern Avenue. Town Manager Mr. Feeney offered insights into co-locating radar feedback signs with current speed limit or school zone signs for efficiency and effectiveness. The board unanimously approved the recommendations and authorized the town manager to implement the short-term improvements.

Vote for Appointed Town Clerk Ballot Question

Following discussions, the board voted to place a ballot question regarding the shift from an elected town clerk to an appointed position. The planned question adhered to state statute requirements and reflects the significant support this measure had received previously during the town meeting. The motion was unanimously carried, setting up the possibility for Arlington residents to vote on this potential change in the upcoming election.

Date Set for Town Meeting

The board revisited the original date set for the start of the annual town meeting, April 22, which coincided with the first night of Passover. After considering the implications and the board’s responsibility to the community, a decision was made to delay the start of the town meeting. Attorney Cunningham provided legal background on the matter and noted that if the community voted to allow the select board to set the start date, the discretion would be clearer in the future. Following discussions, the board unanimously agreed to move the meeting to two days later, April 24, 2024.

Property Redemption of 62-64 Brooks Avenue

The board evaluated a request to vacate a final judgment for a property at 62-64 Brooks Avenue that the town had foreclosed upon due to tax delinquency. Attorney Leone represented the former owner, who had arranged to sell the property to a private buyer, thus allowing them to redeem the property and settle all dues owed to the town. Leone reassured that the town would be fully reimbursed. Upon approval, the town would take necessary action to vacate the foreclosure judgment and withdraw the case from the land court. The board approved the redemption, provided the full payment is made by February 7, 2024.


Inside Arlington was created by two Arlingtonians who are deeply concerned by the decline in local news and its impact on civic life. Our mission is to provide accessible information to Arlington residents to foster an informed and engaged citizenry. And we want to do it in an economically sustainable way. More…


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