Inside Arlington

Experimental News Digest for Arlington, MA

Select Board, December 04, 2023

Approval of Bond Sale

The board approved the sale of $18,090,000 in general obligation municipal bonds. The interest rate obtained was 3.69% over the life of the bonds. This borrowing includes $10 million in exempt debt for the high school project and $8 million in non-exempt debt for various capital projects such as DPW equipment, Bishop School roof replacement, and smaller annual capital projects. The town received 11 bids for the bonds, which was considered an excellent result.

Special Event Request – Menorah Lighting

Rabbi Avi Bukiet of the Center for Jewish Life requested permission to install a 9-foot menorah in Whittemore Park for the eight days of Hanukkah. The board approved the request for a menorah lighting event on December 12th, subject to permit conditions, but did not approve an unattended display for the eight days due to concerns about the perception of government speech.

Consent Agenda

The board approved the consent agenda including past meeting minutes, the Arlington Education Foundation 5K race, winter banners from the Chamber of Commerce, and a contractor drain layer license.

Property Tax Classification

The Board of Assessors presented information on property values and recommendations for tax classification. The average assessed value of Arlington single-family homes has now surpassed $1 million. The total taxable value for FY2024 is $14.5 billion, an increase of 9.1% over last year. The average tax bill will be $10,751 based on the approved single tax rate of $10.59 per $1000 of value. The board voted unanimously to adopt a residential factor of 1, meaning a single tax rate.

Montague Street Betterment

The board approved a betterment request from residents to repair Montague Street between Orient Street and Madison Street. The work will be funded through betterment assessments on benefited property owners.


The board made appointments to the Arlington Commission on Arts and Culture Grants Committee, Elderly and Disabled Tax Relief Fund Committee, and LGBTQIA+ Rainbow Commission.

Overnight Parking Pilot Program

The board voted to extend the overnight parking pilot program through June 30, 2024, with a limit of 125 permits. The fee structure will remain at $1 per night. The goal is to assess the impact of overnight parking during the winter months.

Traffic Request

The board referred a request for a new crosswalk on Broadway near the MBTA bus stop to the Town Manager for review.



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