Inside Arlington

Experimental News Digest for Arlington, MA

Select Board, November 08, 2023


The Select Board approved two proclamations, one honoring Bob Sprague for his service to the town and one for Small Business Saturday on November 25, 2023. The proclamations will be distributed around town.

Acceptance of Funds from Friends of Robbins Farm Park

The Select Board accepted a generous gift of $58,000 from the Friends of Robbins Farm Park to support inclusive play equipment in the renovation of the Robbins Farm Park playground. The Friends are committed to raising a total of $63,000 for the playground before construction starts in the spring.

Consent Agenda

The Select Board approved the consent agenda including past meeting minutes, free parking for holiday shopping on select dates in November and December, and a request for traffic modifications for the Arlington Heights Holiday Stroll on December 9.


The Select Board appointed new members to the Arlington Bicycle Advisory Committee and the Arlington Committee on Tourism and Economic Development.

Redevelopment Board Appointment

The Select Board appointed a new member to the Redevelopment Board after hearing comments from a resident concerned about a potential conflict of interest. The Board determined the concern did not disqualify the candidate.

Liquor License

The Select Board approved a common victualler liquor license for a restaurant at 474 Massachusetts Avenue.

Open Forum

There were no speakers for the open forum public comment period.

2024 Annual Town Election Date

The Select Board set the date for the 2024 Annual Town Election for Saturday, April 6, 2024.

Opening of Warrant for 2024 Annual Town Meeting

The Select Board voted to open the warrant for the 2024 Annual Town Meeting on December 8, 2023, and close it on January 26, 2024.

Improvements to Brooks Avenue and Elmhurst Road

The Select Board approved the installation of two stop signs at the intersection of Brooks Avenue and Elmhurst Road to address safety concerns raised by residents.

Alewife Brook CSO Discharge Permit Comments

The Select Board discussed a draft comment letter on the Alewife Brook Combined Sewer Overflow discharge permit up for renewal. The Board will finalize a comment letter at their November 20, 2023 meeting.

Town Counsel Appointment

The Town Manager announced Michael Cunningham will become the permanent Town Counsel effective November 13 after serving as Acting Town Counsel.

Veterans Day Events

The Town Manager announced the hiring of Philip McGovern as the new Veteran Services Director and reminded the public of the Veterans Day ceremony on November 11.



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