Inside Arlington

Experimental News Digest for Arlington, MA

Zoning Board of Appeals, June 13, 2023

The Arlington Zoning Board of Appeals held a meeting to discuss various administrative and public hearing items. The board unanimously approved the final version of a decision related to a case concerning 12 Puritan Road, which had been previously circulated for comments.

  • Continuation of Public Hearing on 10 Sunnyside 40 B Application
    The main business of the meeting was the continuation of the public hearing on the 10 Sunnyside 40 B application. The applicant’s team presented revisions and responses to questions raised by the board. They also discussed concerns about the Alewife Broadway intersection and agreed to continue the discussion.
  • Discussion on Building Design and Materiality
    The board discussed the design and materiality of the proposed building, including the use of brick and metal screening at the ground level, and a more neutral and lighter color and pattern for the residential levels above. They also discussed the lighting plan for the building, plans for handling mail and packages, the provision of EV charging stations, and the building height.
  • Review of Shadow Studies and Landscape Design Plan
    The board reviewed shadow studies for the proposed building, which showed that the building would not cast shadows on residential houses in the surrounding neighborhood. They also discussed the landscape design plan, which included the addition of five new street trees, bike racks, and smaller ornamental trees near the building.
  • Discussion on Stormwater Management Plan
    The meeting concluded with a discussion of the stormwater management plan for the site, which had been revised to include stumps on the structures, a proposed area drain, and a foundation drain that outlets to a proposed dry well. The board acknowledged the potential for high groundwater in the area and agreed to conduct soil testing during the design development phase to identify the water table elevation.
  • Concerns about Building Height and Shadow Impact
    The committee members expressed their apprehensions about the proposed height of the building, which they believe is not in line with the existing neighborhood structures. They also discussed the results of a shadow study conducted to assess the impact of the new building on the surrounding houses. The committee suggested that the town should issue formal notifications to all the odd-numbered houses on Silk Street that are affected by the shadow projection.
  • Discussion on Economic Impact of Shading and Noise Level of Utility Box
    The committee discussed the potential economic impact of shading on houses at 35 and 39 Silk Street due to their solar panels. The committee was asked to address this concern. The second issue discussed was the noise level of a utility box located on top of a building. The residents wanted to know how the committee plans to mitigate any potential noise pollution from this utility box.
  • Discussion on Proposed Construction Project
    The committee discussed several issues related to a proposed construction project. The main concerns raised were the height of the building, the shadow study, and the utility box. The committee also discussed the landscaping plan for the project, which includes large shade trees on the street side. The committee agreed to continue the discussion on several issues, including the impact on solar panels, the irrigation system, and the drop-off/pickup area, at future meetings.
  • Continuation of Hearing on 10 Centeside Avenue
    The primary agenda of the meeting was to discuss the continuation of the hearing on 10 Centeside Avenue. A motion was made to continue the hearing on July 11th, 2023, at 7:30 p.m. This motion was seconded and a roll call vote was taken. All members present voted in favor of the motion. The meeting was then officially adjourned.



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