Inside Arlington

Experimental News Digest for Arlington, MA

School Committee, May 25, 2023

  • Public Comment Segment: The meeting began with a public comment segment. Two parents spoke about the importance of creating a safe and inclusive environment for LGBTQ students and the need for modern, inclusive health and wellness curriculum.
  • Arlington High School Report: The Arlington High School Representative shared updates on recent events and sports achievements.
  • Summer Program Report: The committee reviewed details on various extended learning programs offered during the summer, including the Title I extended summer learning program, the English Learner Education program, the high school summer programming for credit recovery, and the Extended School Year program for students with special education needs.
  • District Goals: The meeting concluded with a first read on the district goals, which were aligned with the strategic priorities and initiatives in the strategic plan. The committee chair suggested converting the goals to a SMART goal format to make it easier to track progress and timelines.
  • After-School Programming Report: The committee focused on the after-school programming report for the school year 2022-2023 and projections for 2023-2024. The report included a financial summary and recent updates on the financial report. The committee discussed the need for more staff and the possibility of conducting a market analysis on the rental costs.
  • Policy and Procedures: The committee discussed policy and procedures, specifically surrounding curriculum and general complaints. They proposed merging some language regarding parent complaints and questioning of curriculum into the public complaints policy. The committee also discussed extending the suspension of policy IJ-R until the next meeting.
  • Job Descriptions Review: The committee reviewed three job descriptions: a family liaison position, a service desk manager, and a grant program manager.
  • Consent Agenda: The committee discussed the consent agenda, which included a warrant and draft minutes from a previous meeting. They also discussed the approval of a contract with Ricoh for a 48-month term for copier services.
  • High School Building Committee Update: The committee discussed an update on the High School Building Committee, which will meet on June 6th.
  • Resolution Affirming the LGBTQIA+ Community: The committee discussed a resolution affirming the LGBTQIA+ community. The resolution will be presented at the next meeting.
  • Traffic Safety Concerns near Thompson School: The committee discussed traffic safety concerns around the Thompson School, specifically the intersection of Regis Road and Everett Street. The issue will be included in the agenda for the next meeting.



Inside Arlington was created by two Arlingtonians who are deeply concerned by the decline in local news and its impact on civic life. Our mission is to provide accessible information to Arlington residents to foster an informed and engaged citizenry. And we want to do it in an economically sustainable way. More…


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